Don't underestimate the influence of arousing, visceral drivers on decision-making. To quote the economist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman: “We think far less than we think we think we think"
Mary Lewis Lewis Moberly
Do you remember the details of your journey to work this morning? Have you ever driven somewhere and realised you can’t remember actually getting there? Whilst this isn’t something to be encouraged, ‘autopilot’ is a neurological survival response to stop our brains exploding from information overload.
Cognitive and social psychologists as well as behavioural economists all report that over 90% of ‘decision making’ activity is performed on autopilot. We make decisions within the blink of an eye. We follow the crowd. We don’t really think at all (although we’d never admit it).
We make millions of decisions on a daily basis, which all affect our behaviour. If the majority of decisions are made on autopilot, how can brands change peoples’ behaviour? How can we nudge people to behave differently? Packaging is perfectly poised to be the catalyst for behavioural change.
6 May 2014
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