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Welcome change in EU 'liquid and gels' rules

Commencing February 19, passengers making duty free purchases at airports in the US and Canada who are travelling to Europe and then transiting onwards have not been subject to normal EU restrictions on taking liquids and gels on board aircraft. Previously, passengers were unable to take duty free liquids bought in the US and Canada onboard transfer flights at EU airports.

For example, if a passenger was to travel New York –London –Dublin, until now, duty free liquid purchases made in New York would not have been allowed on the flight from London to Dublin. That is now no longer the case.

Passengers flying from the US or Canada who have connecting flights in the EU can now take duty free liquids and gels on their connecting flights provided that they are packaged by the airport duty free retailer in sealed, tamper evident bags with clear proof of purchase within thirty-six hours of time of sale.

Unfortunately the US and Canada have not yet granted equivalent rights to passengers originating in the EU who then connect onwards at a US or Canadian airport.

On the eve of February 19, ETRC president Frank O’Connell said: “I am delighted that these rules will come into effect tomorrow and am sure that it will be a major boost for sales in North American airports.  I would like to thank the European Commission for the work that they have done to create this agreement.

"The timing for these rules to take effect was critical. European travellers visiting North America to watch the Winter Olympics no longer have to fear their duty free liquids will be confiscated when returning home.

"The US and Canada have not yet granted equivalent rights to passengers originating in Europe which is having a marked effect upon sales in European airports. Duty free liquor sales have been particularly affected. I would urge the US and Canadian Governments to consider a similar arrangement".

1 February 2010 - Felicity Murray