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LIWF and Distil report positive feedback

The 30th London International Wine Fair and Distil exhibition held in May this year reported a total of 13,693 visitors – down just 1% from 2009 – with 23% of these from overseas – up 1% on last year.

James Murray, event director commented: “the LIWF’s anniversary year has seen extremely positive feedback from across the board, and it has been so pleasing to see the wine trade getting back on its feet after a difficult 18 months. It’s extraordinary to have welcomed more international visitors this year, despite the travel problems that many experienced, and our UK audience has remained very solid in the face of a shrinking market and declining numbers of retailers. 

"Throughout the three days, exhibitors have reported an impressive attendance from key individuals from the UK and overseas, and the level of business being done was very high indeed.”

He gives following citations:

Martin Krajewski, Proprietor of Chateau de Sours (LIWF Exhibitor): “LIWF really exceeded our expectations this year. Not only did we sell 500 cases of wine off stand to completely new clients but we’ve also signed up new accounts through meetings held at LIWF. The show has also put us in front international buyers too who have been making genuine order enquiries – for example we are now in discussions with a USA based company, a very exciting opportunity as it’s a completely new territory for us. Not only did LIWF expose our brand into international markets but it also allowed us to meet with the majority of our existing UK and European clients. We are already excited for next year.”

Richard Trimby, Marketing Director, EMEA (LIWF Exhibitor): “From a Foster’s perspective, we were very pleased with both the quantity and quality of the attendees of the fair.  Our team held meetings with key customers and distributors not just from the UK, but from across Europe.  We used the LIWF to unveil several new products, including Wolf Blass Yellow Label Sparkling Rosé, the Wolf Blass Silver Label, Penfolds Bin 23 Pinot Noir and our Regional Icons of South Australia range.  All in all, the week was a great success!”

Duncan Hayter, Global Premium Brands (Distil exhibitor): “Distil has been a fantastic experience for us as a new brand.  The quality of the people here who have come to see us has been very very high and their reaction to Gin Mare has been fantastic – for me the combination of both high quality and quantity has been the perfect platform to launch a new brand.  We are delighted with the results.”

Andrew Peace, Winemaker, Bottle Green (LIWF Exhibitor): “In my professional view, the Fair is great for setting up our meetings and tastings, but it is more than that, it’s about camaraderie; it’s a good time to catch up with people – it’s so useful for us.”

Pavel Titov, owner of Abrau Durso (LIWF Exhibitor): “This is our first year exhibiting at the show and I’ve been seriously impressed by the footfall to and around our stand. Being exposed to the right people is key and we’ve been delighted to get various regional wine merchants, industry influencers and sommeliers come by and taste through our wines. We’ve found it a very useful and productive experience and would certainly be coming back next year.”

Andrew Hawes, Managing Director, Mentzendorff & Co.: "Once again the London International Wine Fair provided an ideal opportunity for us to bring together our suppliers, sales team and customers; it remains an occasion on which Mentzendorff comes to life."

Stanimir Stoyanov, Winemaker at New Industrial Company, Bulgaria (LIWF Exhibitor): “Even though it’s been a tough year for the industry it’s great to see that the show is still full of all the right people and those who work at all the right places. It’s very interesting to see that LIWF is attracting all the new world regions, such as India, as it keeps the show fresh and interesting to visitors.”

Richard Hunt, Chateau Musar (LIWF Exhibitor): “This year has been Château Musar’s 80th Anniversary so exhibiting at LIWF has been a key part of our marketing strategy and the perfect way to celebrate, considering it was the show’s 30th Anniversary. This year we experienced our busiest ever LIWF, meeting with most of the important people involved in the UK and international markets. Furthermore we were delighted at the popularity of our masterclass and how well it has been received - our stand has been inundated!”

1 June 2010 - Felicity Murray