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Macallan's cool serve

An ice ball serve kit, distributed by Maxxium UK to outlets across the UK, enables bars to produce a perfect ice ball time after time, allowing consumers to enjoy the Speyside single malt whisky in a new way.
The Ice Ball Press takes its inspiration from Japanese cocktail culture where artisans hand-carve ice balls from massive slabs to create an uninterrupted plane that cools spirits quickly and evenly. Theintegrity of the spirit is preserved as the ice melts slowly.

"As global cocktail culture has evolved, ice has become central to the contemporary spirits experience.  With an eye on this trend, we created The Macallan Perfect Serve, to modernise the way single malt can be enjoyed and appeal to a wider range of consumers,” explains Macallan marketing assistant, Pat Lee.

Macallan has developed a copper press that instantly trims a block of ice into a flawless ice ball.

1 January 2010 - Felicity Murray