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Winning Olmeca Margarita


The winner of the first international Olmeca Margarita Contest by the Tahona Society was Kurt Schlechter from Johannesburg, South Africa with his cocktail My Friends Margarita. Heats had previously taken place in the UK, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. At the finals in Mexico, the judges selected Kurt’s recipe because of its well thought out fusion of Mexican and South African ingredients, and unique and refreshing taste.


The Tahona Society is a global community of bartenders. The objective of the new annual Olmeca Margarita Contest is to strengthen the existing bonds between members, and to support the best talent from within the community, whilst offering continuity to the international seminars.  The Olmeca tequila brand is owned by Pernod Ricard.

Kurt Schlechter in action

1 July 2010 - Felicity Murray