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Kamm & Sons repositions as a British aperitif

The ginseng spirit Kamm & Sons has been repositioned clearly into burgeoning aperitif category via a packaging redesign.  Nothing about the liquid has changed – Kamm & Sons is still handcrafted in London by Kammerling family members and contains 45 botanicals (including ginseng, fresh grapefruit peels and manuka honey).

Alex Kammerling comments: “We felt that the new moniker ‘The British Aperitif’ label suits the drink well and avoids the question, ‘what is it?’”

The new bottle design also reflects the repositioning of the product. Alex, having studied 3D design at art college before becoming a professional bartender and ultimately a renowned mixologist, designed the bespoke bottle, which is being manufactured by Covim in Italy. (The original medicinal-looking 50cl bottle was off-the-shelf). The Kamm & Sons brand name runs down the side of the new, larger and elegantly tapered 70cl bottle. The plastic screwcap closure retains the medicinal cues of the original brand concept.

Alex explained to that the new design not only looks more sophisticated but the bottle is easier for the bartender to hold and pour.

The idea for the bottle label also came from Alex and his brother who created a design for illustrator Benjamin Carr to perfect.

“It is a new coat day at Kamm & Sons - that feeling of pride as you walk down the street turning heads and collecting envious looks from passers by. It has been a year in development but we are happy to announce our new ‘go faster’ bottle is now available. The new bottle doesn’t actually 'go faster', but it is easier to hold, a pourer now fits in the neck snugly and it looks the bees knees,” adds Alex. 

17 February 2014 - Felicity Murray The Drinks Report, editor