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Berlin is latest Absolut City bottle design

The latest Absolut vodka limited edition bottle design in its ‘city’ series is Absolut Berlin. The bottle features the artwork of Berlin-based artist Zhivago Duncan, known for his messy, anarchic, multimedia creations.

Duncan’s design turns the Absolut bottle into a window looking onto one of Berlin’s own iconic Monuments – the Fernsehturm. It shows a magnified image of the Fernsehturm’s famous sphere, with a Dick Flash quote done graffiti-style: “Es ist nicht einfach immer ein Rebell zu sein” – “It’s not easy to always be a rebel.” A perfect expression of the spirit of a city that has long been at the forefront of contemporary art and culture.

“As a brand known for promoting a spirit of independence, Absolut is thrilled to celebrate a city of immense energy that has long been a trailblazer in the arts. Perhaps no city better embodies the sense of transformational possibility,” says Franz Drack, global marketing director at Absolut. “Absolut Berlin is an homage to a multicultural and artistic mecca and to the people who fuel it with talent, ideas and energy.

“Painter, sculptor, mixed media and installation artist Zhivago Duncan is a true original. Like Absolut, Duncan never shies away from pushing the boundaries. He’s drawn to those abstract areas of culture where the future can be glimpsed and created.”

Absolut Berlin will be available in a limited edition and for a short time only. The German launch date is May 15, 2014. Austria and Switzerland will launch on June 1. It will not be available in travel retail.

18 February 2014 - Felicity Murray The Drinks Report, editor