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The Naked Grouse has a packaging update

The Naked Grouse blended Scotch whisky bottle now carries a cardboard and string neck tag to highlight its positioning as a handcrafted luxury product.

The Naked Grouse (RRP £25), distributed by Maxxium UK, is small batch blended Scotch whisky containing hand-blended world- renowned malts. The subtle enhancements to the packaging highlight the honest simplicity behind whisky. The simple yet striking bottle, etched with a picture of the drink’s emblem, now comes complete with a cardboard and string neck tag describing the brand story and craftsmanship behind the blend.

Johna Penman, marketing controller of Maxxium UK comments: “The Naked Grouse reflects our passion to create a simple, great tasting, premium spirit. We are very proud of the collaborative effort and innovative processes behind the making of The Naked Grouse and feel it’s important for us to engage with our target consumer and celebrate the growing interest in artisan craft brands in the UK.

“The recent rise in popularity of craft positioned brands presents an opportunity to tell our story and recruit new consumers into blended Scotch, making it a more relevant category for a new generation of drinkers.”

14 July 2014 - Felicity Murray The Drinks Report, editor