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New cherry plum liqueur from Joseph Cartron

Nuits Saint Georges distiller liquorist Joseph Cartron has added to its range of fruit liqueurs with the launch of Crème de Mirabelle (20%abv), which delivers the delicate freshness of plums hand-picked in the orchards of the Lorraine region.

The yellowy orange cherry plums, brimming with sugar at full maturity are harvested between mid-August and mid-September. The vats are loaded with the plums up to two thirds of their volume and topped up with pure alcohol, then follows maceration at room temperature, which lasts 7 to 8 weeks.

The delicate and precise alliance between the infusion of the fruits and the excellence of the cherry plum eaux-de-vie guarantees a powerful aroma and length in the mouth as well as roundness and elegance.

“The Joseph Cartron Crème de Mirabelle is yet another opportunity to work a rare and very delicate product, ideal for bartenders and amateurs of forgotten flavours,” explains Joseph Akhavan, Paris barman and brand ambassador.

The Joseph Cartron Crème de Mirabelle can be drunk straight, on ice or in a cocktail. Also adds a gourmet touch to cooking and desserts.

Available as from end May 2015, in wine shops and delicatessens.

17 May 2015 - Felicity Murray The Drinks Report, editor