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Jack-O' Blast ready for the Halloween season

Diageo's Captain Morgan has released a limited edition, Jack-O' Blast, pumpkin spiced rum.

Targeting the autumn season, the limited edition release is the first pumpkin spiced rum offering on the market and comes off of last year's release of Captain Morgan Cannon Blast.

Linda Bethea, vice president of Captain Morgan says: "As much as we enjoyed tropical cocktails over the summer, it’s time to make room for the bold flavors of autumn everyone enjoys. Captain Morgan Jack-O’Blast is a must-have for adult consumers during their favorite seasonal activities, whether it’s at football, Halloween parties or backyard bonfires with friends.”

While Captain Morgan Jack-O’Blast has an identical shape to its predecessor, Captain Morgan Cannon Blast, it features autumn colors of orange and green.

To solidify its place as an autumnal shot, the round bottle simulates the look of a carved pumpkin when illuminated under a black light. The pumpkin spiced rum (60 proof, 30% ABV) has a suggested retail price of $15.99 for a 750 ml bottle and is currently available across the US.

16 October 2016 - Sam Coyne The Drinks Report, editorial assistant