Stoli Group has announced the global launch of a limited edition Stolichnaya 80th Anniversary vodka. The launch took place at the TFWA World Exhibition. The new vodka brings together three ingredients – wheat, rye and buckwheat.
Describing the launch, Stoli CEO Hugues Pietrini comments: “To celebrate our 80th Anniversary we set ourselves a challenge: could we create a limited edition vodka that combines this unsurpassed smoothness with a little of the character of a 1938 vodka? After countless distillations, we arrived at a winning liquid and a major innovation: Stolichnaya 80th Anniversary, a vodka made from wheat, rye and buckwheat.”
Stolichnaya 80th Anniversary Vodka is being released in limited quantities and is destined to become a collector’s item. It is presented with a unique bottle closure, a two-part front label printed on specially prepared craft paper and a presentation box.
The decision to launch Stolichnaya 80th Anniversary Vodka at TFWA World Exhibition reflects the importance of the channel to the brand. Pietrini adds: “Travellers are continuing to treat airport shopping as an opportunity to ‘trade up’ and to try something new and unique. Travel retail is the perfect environment for limited editions such as Stolichnaya 80th Anniversary Vodka and TFWA World Exhibition the perfect platform to showcase this highly original collector’s item.”
10 October 2017 - Sam Coyne The Drinks Report, news editor