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Moray chamber's 'two casks' campaign for safe venue reopenings

As distilleries and hospitality venues reopen their doors following the UK lockdown, Moray Speyside has come up with a new way of helping people to remember social distancing rules.

Moray Chamber of Commerce has launched the 'Opening with Confidence' campaign to help businesses get back on their feet following the shutdown and to encourage visitors to behave responsibly.

As part of the campaign the chamber has released 'Stay Safe' posters to remind people to keep the appropriate distance awy from one another - which, at two metres, is about the length of two casks.  

The poster comes in two designs and is available for businesses to download and use wherever they feel appropriate. Releasing the posters, Moray Chamber of Commerce said: "We know that people can enjoy our region safely, and these posters will encourage people to follow guidance at the same time."

18 August 2020 - Bethany Whymark