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Worshipful Company of Distillers launches mentoring scheme

The Worshipful Company of Distillers has launched its first mentoring programme.

The new initiative - the first of its kind in the Livery's history - will provide general career advice, networking opportunities, and a range of professional support including brand marketing and logistics. While it is open to all students in the distilling industry, the scheme is particularly designed for more disadvantaged students. 

The first mentees have already been matched with Livery mentors and the programme is underway in locations including London, the West Country and the Scottish Lowlands. Initial feedback from mentees has been positive, with praise for the matches and the help that has been offered.

Jonathan Driver, the Master of the Worshipful Company of Distillers, said: “Following on from the recently announced launch of the vocational training and education initiative, the mentoring programme fits perfectly with our overall vision to be at the 'heart of the spirits industry'.
"It reinforces our philanthropic and educational roots, making a difference to young people’s lives. Giving back and helping in this difficult year makes me extraordinarily proud to lead the Distillers’ Livery."

16 February 2021 - Bethany Whymark