Spirits brand The Spirit of One has launched its first vodka, One Vodka. The spirit will be launched onsite on World Vodka Day, which takes place 4 October.
10% of the profits from One Vodka will be donated to The One Foundation, as is common practise with the brand’s other spirits. The foundation supports clean water project all over the world.
The vodka is presented in a ‘Butterfly Bottle,’ which has been designed by Saint Design London. The labels can be removed on the bottle once the vodka has gone to reveal a water carafe with the word ‘WATER.’
The brand has emphasised Christmas in its launch announcement, describing the vodka as “a unique Christmas gift with an ethical slant,”
Co-founder Ian Spooner commented on the release: “The founding principle behind The Spirit of One is to create remarkable spirits that give back. We were created to support a fundamental humanitarian cause: the global water crisis. We are called ‘One’ because we know we can’t change the world overnight, but we believe we can change lives one person at a time, one day at a time.”
“In the last 5 years we have launched two beautiful award-winning Gins, a limited edition Port rested gin and a ready to drink G&T range. It has always been our ambition to expand into spirits beyond gin and this launch marks the start of a new chapter for us. Exciting times”
The producer has described the botanical vodka as having notes of fresh sage and vanilla on the palate.
Bottled at 40% ABV, the spirit can be purchased online, too, for an RRP of £34.
30 September 2022 - Bradley Weir